'...makes life extremely difficult for their mentally out spouse...'
Shouldn't that be 'mentally diseased' spouse?
over time a number of different 'classes' of members have arisen on this forum.
1] apple watch watchers - this group takes a great interest in watches worn by members of the governing body.
2] cult escape consultants - one who freely offers advise on how to flee from a cult - mainly the wt society.
'...makes life extremely difficult for their mentally out spouse...'
Shouldn't that be 'mentally diseased' spouse?
i did not write this piece.
i enjoyed the simple and understandable reasoning.
hope some of you enjoy it too.
at 20:00 - 21:30 in his testimony, mr. geoffrey jackson - in answer to mr. stewart's question about the governing body claiming to be god's spokespersons - claimed that it would be presumptuous of them to say that they were the only spokespersons which god was using.
mr. jackson doesn't seem to know what he and his fellow g.b.
members - and the providers of his lifestyle, the wtbts - actually teach as "bible truth.
2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
' ..Your thoughts..'
My thoughts exactly. My parents grew up in Canada in the 20's. No electricity, no indoor plumbing. No cars. Water? Go Get some from the well and water the horses while your there. Want to go to town? Harness the horses to the wagon. When you get back make sure their fed and watered. Oh, if you are going to town, there had better be a damn good reason. If your going for something you can carry, you can walk. Sure it's 8 miles uphill back home but going to town is 8 miles downhill, so what are you complaining about?
My grandfather farmed 160 acres, a quarter section, with two oxen, until he died in 1947. Never had anything with a motor. Raised 8 children. Most lived into 80's, some into late 90's. That's years old mister. My Dad always reminded me how easy we have it. He never complained but he sure made me know that the easy life wasn't always here. Another thing he said, 'It's not normal." Always scratched my head at that one. Now we know, our lifestyle is ripping the earth and society apart. He was right, " It's not normal" or at least it shouldn't be. A generation of pansies in North America. Boy, are eyes going to be opened when the world's misery comes to our door.
over time a number of different 'classes' of members have arisen on this forum.
1] apple watch watchers - this group takes a great interest in watches worn by members of the governing body.
2] cult escape consultants - one who freely offers advise on how to flee from a cult - mainly the wt society.
Over time a number of different 'classes' of members have arisen on this forum.
Are you one?
Can you think of any more?
1] APPLE WATCH WATCHERS - this group takes a great interest in watches worn by members of the Governing Body
2] CULT ESCAPE CONSULTANTS - one who freely offers advise on how to flee from a cult - mainly the WT Society
3] CART CRITICIZERS - one who unfavourably judges the WT literature carts.
after six months, i couldn't see the value in it.
if i had never dropped out, i would have never dropped in on this calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography that they do.
i really didn't know what to do for a few months.
check his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
'...is this a grown man's signature..?'
Al least you can see it is G W Jackson. As for the witness, it's anyone's guess who he/she is?
If you should not be able to discern the actual letters of an adults signature, then no, it is not the signature of a grown-up. Personally, I prefer to discern the actual letters of the alphabet.
the mangroves of lollard lane.
(a short story by terry edwin walstrom).
oh, christjust what i needed this morningjehovahs fucking witnesses!.
'.if only this was what actually could happen.'
If that is the new arrangement I definitely will start door to door again.
since the subject seems to interest many among you,.
[box on page 22].
ways in which some choose to give.
alable real estate may be donated to the Watch Tower Society either by making an outright gift or by reserving a life estate to the donor, who can continue to live therein during his or her lifetime.
Wow. They will let you continue to live there. How generous. [8>] It's good to know that they will accept jewelry too. I can't help but wonder, if a person wills their posessions to the society, gets disfellowshipped, and dies before changing their will, will the society still accept this person's assets? My money is on "YES."
But would they say a greeting to this person? O.K. now I'm irritated. Greedy bastards.riz
since the subject seems to interest many among you,.
[box on page 22].
ways in which some choose to give.